Being a Mother, My Poetry

Rain Drops – Connection

As the thunder yelled,We remembered our Lord,Praying to Him for goodness in it all.It was our four souls,Together enjoying the wind,Allowing it to go deep within.The rain seemed to call us,Slowly we allowed it's drops to wet our hands,With each drop our bodies begged for more,As though the soul within said I need it all.Without… Continue reading Rain Drops – Connection

Being a Mother, Uncategorized

Pick Your Sanity Mamas!

Does burdening ourselves way more than we should equals to being a "good mom"? From being judged for putting our comfort over our child's wishes to being told what is best for our children - moms are frequently under a microscopic scrutiny, by their spouses, their friends, family, in laws and community in general. Everyone… Continue reading Pick Your Sanity Mamas!

Being a Mother

Our Journey From Breast-Feeding to Bottle-Feeding

Bismillah. Our Journey = Mine, Zawji's & Ruqaiya's Journey. It was a rough journey but now I feel better and can talk about it alhamdulillah. I am of those who always wanted to breastfeed entire first 2 years of their child's life, as recommended in Islam. But we plan and ALLAH plans and He is… Continue reading Our Journey From Breast-Feeding to Bottle-Feeding