Being a Muslimah, Notes

Two Beautiful Du’as of Pious

I have recently started reading Prayers of the Pious by Omar Suleiman, which I bought on 28th of Dec from MAS ICNA CONVENTION Bazaar (which deserves a whole different post by itself!).

As I was reading these du’as the other day I was amazed at how these both are of benefit in our current times with the coronavirus going on. So I decided to share these with my readers. Sh. Omar has beautiful shared stories behind all du’as in this book (this book surely is a gem ma sha ALLAH). I will just share selected pieces from the detailed stories/lessons.

Du’a of Abd al-Rahman ibn ‘Awf (may ALLAH be pleased with him) – Companion

O Allah, protect me from the greed of my soul! 


As we all know, with the starting of the spread of coronavirus a trend of hoarding started which resulted in many stores’ shelves empty especially of the foods that can be stored long term. And a lot of store owners increasing the prices drastically. All of which has made it hard for those that need the items to have them.

There has been a question frequently asked: do you have enough?

But I ask, enough for how long? for a week or two? for a month? for a year? or for life time?

“As the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, if the son of Adam is given a valley of gold, he will want another valley of gold, and if he is given two valleys of gold then he will want to have three valleys of gold. He will never be satisfied until he has dirt in his mouth, meaning that he would continue to want more and more until there was nothing left.” (pg. 39)

That is soooo true right now!

“So this is a du’a that we should learn and say, whether that greed is financial or emotional. We should seek protection from anything that would cause us to transgress and to desire or try to attain more than what Allah (glorified and exalted is He) has written for us in a way that is not pleasing to Him.” (pg. 40)

Du’a of Ibrahim ibn Adham (may ALLAH be pleased with him) – Great Scholar

You have shown us Your Power, so show us Your Forgiveness.


Story behind it: “One time Ibrahim ibn Adham was on a ship, sleeping, and the winds became enraged, the waves started to crash against the ship and everybody on board was certain that they were going to die. As the storm grew severe and ship started to rock left and right, Ibrahim ibn Adham rose from his sleep and went on deck. The people around him thought they were all going to die, and they asked, ‘O father of Ishaq (his eldest son’s name) what can you call upon Allah with now to save us from this situation!’ He rose and raised his hands to the sky and said: ‘O You Ever-living One! O Ever Sustaining One! You have shown us Your power, so show us Your pardon (your forgiveness).’

As soon as he made that du’a, everything calmed down; the wind calmed and the waves settled and the ship sailed on smoothly. (pg. 42)

Aren’t we all in a similar situation?

Let us all make this du’a to our Rabb!

He has shown us His Power, let’s beg him to show us His Forgiveness!

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7 thoughts on “Two Beautiful Du’as of Pious”

  1. MashaAllah very beautiful article. Jazakallah for sharing it sister. It is really very beneficial especially now in this hard situation.

  2. SubhanAllah! Beautiful post. JazakilAllahu Khayr for sharing this with us. And the book sounds like an interesting read!

  3. I have this book on my to-read list, and it sounds like i should bump it up to what I read next. Thank you for sharing more about this book, so we all can benefit from it inshallah.

    1. In sha Allah 😀 yeah surely bump it up. Or rather just make it a side daily reading book, 1 dua per day right after your Qur’an reading.

      That’s what I did alhamdulillah found it very beneficial that way.

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