Being a Muslimah

Condition Of Most Masajid Nowadays

An Imam is supposed to be a leader of the community, someone who dictates/guides, not someone who takes dictation. SubhanAllah people have lost the Izzah for Imams, they are treated as those people whom we just need to lead Salah, rest they can keep their deen and knowledge to themselves. SubhanAllah astaghfirullah, I am even willing to say it is an insult of Imams of this Ummah! Authubillah.

Consequences are already being seen in this duniya itself. La hawla wala quwwat illa billah, everybody wants to run matters of Masjid according to their desire or wants. No rules, ya Allah anybody gets up and if he gets votes khallas his idea rules, even if it is far from deen. And not to mention, votes are biased too….if you give money to Masjid, if you are beneficial to certain people, that’s it, you are to be supported; even if they internally disagree they will never stand against you. Authubillah, power power power – fitnah fitnah fitnah.

It is this fight of power that Masajid are filled with fights. Wallahi. If things are clear, people will be at peace. If leader is one and on deen then people will be at peace. Whatever the rules be, I don’t care. If a masjid says we don’t accommodate kids, khallas I wouldn’t go there because I have a kid  (I wouldn’t like their rule but can’t help it, it is better than daily fights). If a leader says women’s area should be separated properly, end of the daily fights about keeping doors open (between men and women area).

Our Masajid have become places to satisfy people’s inner desire of power. The more you work for masjid or donate, you have bought the Masjid (#SadRealityNowadays). Masajid have become community centers for adults, instead of being a madrasah for young children, through which they learn their deen. I know sunday schools exist, but other than those 4-5 hrs what is the contribution of Masajid for kids on daily basis? On 5 salahs? On taraweeh? Are we accommodating future generations in our Masajid? La la la…..

There is an intense need for people to give Imams the Izzah they deserve, so that the Masajid reach the status they deserve and the future generations of this Umamah grow in Masajid considering them as their second homes.

Ya Allah, help this Ummah, bless us with righteous leaders, make masajid places where our kids could go with ease, make masajid places of deen and not fitnah (aameen).